Expression of Interest (EOI) - Potential Land Acquisition(s)
The Village of Carmacks is gauging interest on private-owned properties that could be explored for potential sale to the municipality. The purpose of this LOI is to determine the feasibility of developable land within the municipal boundary to increase the number of lots that can sustain livable dwellings and development needs.
Submission Information & Details We encourage all local landowners who meet the criteria outlined in the LOI to explore the potential of this LOI. The VoC reserves the right to review submitted expressions of interest without purchase of any submitted expressions.
Submission Details: Reach out to CAO, Matthew Cybulski for further information.
Submission Format: Document (in-person or via email to CAO@Carmacks.ca)
Submission Opening: March 15th, 2024
Submission Deadline: May 17th, 2024
Submission Must Include: Lot Number & Address, Zoning Information, Lot Size, Acreage, Utility Service Available, Municipal Roadway Access, Proof of Title, and Asking Price.
Please review the attached EOI for further details.