Mayor Justin Lachance

Hi, I'm Justin Lachance, and I'm proud to serve as Mayor of the Village of Carmacks. I believe in fostering a healthy and prosperous community for everyone here in Carmacks. I’m passionate about helping our community grow, and I especially enjoy engaging and supporting our youth.
My vision for Carmacks centers on building strong infrastructure, from maintaining our roads and sewer/lagoon systems to improving our VOC facilities. I want to enhance our municipal services, maintain effective flood prevention plans, and make sure all our VOC employees have the training they need to succeed. I’m also eager to open and maintain our aquatic facility, providing a great space for everyone in our community.
Most importantly, I believe in keeping an open line of communication with all of you. By working together, we can make positive changes that benefit our entire community. I’m excited for the future of Carmacks and look forward to serve you as Mayor.