Mayor and Council Bios

Village Council consists of 5 residents dedicated to the Village, constituents, community and business sector. They continue to strive to make Carmacks a better place.
Below you will find a bio of each member of Council.

Village Office

Village of Carmacks
143 River Drive
Box 113, Carmacks YT Y0B 1C0
Ph:  (867) 863-6271

 Mayor and Council


 Position  Name  Telephone  E-mail
 Mayor Justin Lachance  (867) 863-6271
 Councillor Dennis Mitchell  (867) 863-6271
 Councillor  Cory Bellmore  (867) 863-6271
 Councillor  Tara Wheeler  (867) 863-6271
 Councillor  Doris Hansen  (867) 863-6271




  Name Position Telephone E-mail
  Chantal Pelletier
Chief Administration Officer  
(867) 863-6271 Ext. 102
Annette Wylimczyk
Finance Officer
(867) 863-6271 Ext. 104
  Parminder Singh Administrative & Municipal Clerk
(867) 863-6271
  Protective Services      
  Liam Ferraz Bylaw Constable  (867) 385-1519
  Blake Vandecamp Fire Chief   (867) 863-6271 Ext. 401
Public Works
  Jens Wylimczyk Public Works General Manager 
(867) 385-1522 (Cell)
(867) 863-6271 Ext. 103
Macks Ayles 
Municipal Services Operator 
 (867) 333-9836
Keith Sheldon
JR Foreman 
(867) 385-1521
  Edcyl Garcia  Municipal Services Operator   (867) 332-1520
  Bill Tonnersen  On-call MSOP/WWTP Operator    
Recreation & AFO
  Chanel Johnnie Recreation Director (867) 332-1517 (Cell) 
  Roxy Baker
Booking Clerk 
(867) 863-6271 ext. 202
  Jerson De Leon AFO Manager (867) 385-0150 
  George Skookum  Program Coordinator 
  Myla Lillefors SR. Program Leader/CSR/Rec Asst
  Alexis CSR/SR. Program Leader/Rec Asst  
  Jamie Skookum  SR. Program Leader/CSR/Rec Asst    
  Viren AFA/CSR    
  Orlando Domingo Recycling Coordinator   (867)-332-1518
  Mary Anne Ribao Recycling Assistant  (867)-332-1518  
  Pardeep Kumar Recycling Assistant  (867)-332-1518  

Mayor Justin Lachance


Hi, I'm Justin Lachance, and I'm proud to serve as Mayor of the Village of Carmacks. I believe in fostering a healthy and prosperous community for everyone here in Carmacks. I’m passionate about helping our community grow, and I especially enjoy engaging and supporting our youth.

My vision for Carmacks centers on building strong infrastructure, from maintaining our roads and sewer/lagoon systems to improving our VOC facilities. I want to enhance our municipal services, maintain effective flood prevention plans, and make sure all our VOC employees have the training they need to succeed. I’m also eager to open and maintain our aquatic facility, providing a great space for everyone in our community.

Most importantly, I believe in keeping an open line of communication with all of you. By working together, we can make positive changes that benefit our entire community. I’m excited for the future of Carmacks and look forward to serve you as Mayor.

Councilor Dennis Mitchell

Councilor Cory Bellmore

Councilor Tara Wheeler

Councillor Doris Hansen