Landfill Townhall Meeting
Townhall Meeting - Public Hearing for Landfill Service Changes Phase #2 (Organics & Composting Program w/ Presentation on BioGas BioDigester & Gasifier Project)
Date: May 6th
Location: Carmacks Recreation Complex
Time: 7PM
Snacks, Beverages, and Prizes available!
Join us on the evening of the 6th for the following:
- Landfill Service Feedback
- Intro to the new VoC Waste Diversion program & BioDigester Organics & Composting Program
- Forum w/ questions
- Service Panel consisting of VoC Administration, VoC PW GM, VoC PW Foreman, and representatives from VoC Mayor & Council
Please do join us to share your input on the waste management process in Carmacks